Furry Weekend Holland is a convention put on by the legal entity Stichting PACK, as registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as a non-profit organisation. Furry Weekend Holland is a private event. In this document the terms 'we', 'us' and 'our' refer to the legal entity representing Furry Weekend Holland.
Article 2. Registration and attending
By registering for the convention you intend to take part in the convention on the dates as listed on the website furryweekend.nl. Registration can only be done through our website.
Any registration has to be approved by staff before your attendance can be confirmed. An email with payment information will be sent after approval.
To register you must be of legal age, which is 18 years or over, at the time of the convention. This means you can register at 17 as long as your 18th birthday passes before the first day of the convention. There will be no admittance for people under the age of 18, with exception of registration according to article 2.5.
You must present legal photo identification at the convention check in. This can be a passport or identification card. A drivers licence cannot be accepted. The identification document cannot be expired at the time of the convention. The details of your registration and your identification must match. Failure on any of these points will result in being denied access to the convention.
Furry Weekend Holland allows for day guest registration of people under the age of 18 accompanied by an adult parent or guardian. People under the age of 18 are limited to stay within the courtyard of the castle. People under the age of 18 and their parent or guardian are only allowed to attend the convention during the hours and date as published on the website furryweekend.nl. The parent or guardian has to adhere to all articles of the terms and conditions with the exception of the attendee being 18 or older. Legal identification for both the attendee and the parent or guardian has to be presented at check in.
By attending you are required to wear the badge provided to you that serves as your admission ticket and identifies you with your nickname and country of citizenship.
With registration you can choose to sponsor the convention on a voluntary basis. While we will provide some extras for those that sponsor us the monetary value of those extras will not match the extra costs of sponsoring. Sponsoring means you pay extra on a voluntary basis to let us provide more to the whole convention.
Choosing to sponsor the convention will not exempt you from any of the terms and conditions, nor the rules of the venue, nor the code of conduct of the convention.
We reserve the right to cancel any registration at any time, with or without providing a reason.
We reserve the right to refuse further admission during the convention based on your behaviour, or any other cause for concern that your presence may interfere with convention operations, cause excessive discomfort to staff or other attendees, or adversely affect our relationship with our guests, our venue or the public.
Article 3. Payment
All accepted methods of payment are listed on the website furryweekend.nl
A payment request will be send to you after your registration has been approved
All payments are due before the payment due date. Failure to pay within this timeframe may result in cancellation of your registration.
In exceptional cases, stichting PACK may, after receiving a written request to this effect, grant the Customer permission for payment in installments. The Customer must pay before each due date.
If we do not receive full payment on these due dates your registration may be canceled without any refund.
There will be no refund in case of cancellation of your registration, either by yourself or us.
Transfering of a registration is possible, but will only be allowed after approval by the registration team. Both parties need to contact through the contact system at https://contact.furryweekend.nl
We will send you an email to inform you of your payment status once payment has been received. You can also check your payment status by logging in on our website. After having paid, allow for a week before your payment status should be updated. If after a week you see no update on your payment status, please contact our registration team and include your proof of payment. Contact at https://contact.furryweekend.nl
Article 4. Privacy
Any data you and or others provide can be stored and processed by Stichting PACK. You can access your data by logging in to our registration system.
If you want to request your data, request changes or make use of your right to be forgotten you can send in a request at https://contact.stichtingpack.nl
You agree to receive emails concerning your registration and payment status, as well as other announcements related to Furry Weekend Holland or Stichting PACK.
Stichting PACK may be required to share your data in case existing legal legislation or a court order forces us to comply with such a request.
We will only voluntarily share your data with third parties in these cases:
Food-allergies and diets: we may share your food allergies and/or diet with the kitchen staff to be able to cater to your personal needs.
Medical situations: Your personal and medical information may be retrieved by our on-duty first aid in case of accident, injury and/or illness. We may also share this information with professional care providers if we need to consult or transfer your treatment.
Article 5. Force Majeure
In the event of force majeure, the Stichting PACK will be released of its obligation to perform the Agreement as long as the relevant hindrance continues to exist. Force majeure means in any event all circumstances independent of the will of Stichting PACK, as a result of which the fulfillment of the obligations of Stichting PACK is wholly or partly prevented or as a result of which fulfilling the obligations cannot be reasonably be expected from the Stichting PACK.
Circumstances that will in no case be at the expense and risk of Stichting PACK are, inter alia:
strikes, lockout, illness, import, export and/or transit prohibitions, transport problems, machinery breakdown, traffic jams, power failures, delivery problems, changes in legislation, governmental measures, non-fulfillment of obligations by suppliers ( including energy companies and suppliers of computer and telephone equipment), production breakdown, extreme weather conditions, frost, natural disasters and war and/or threat of terrorism and/or threat of war.
acts or omissions, with the exception of intent or gross negligence, by persons Stichting PACK engages in the execution of the Agreement.
Article 6. Governing Law
The Agreement and these General Terms and Conditions for Customers are exclusively governed by Dutch law.
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