As FWH continues to offer alcohol for low prices (if we sum the alcohol cost and the alcohol sales, they are near equal), we ask you not to bring your own. This to avoid that we have a sales problems, and that we can avoid having bad drunks that would disrupt the convention.
However sometimes you want to share something special, something unique with your friends. That is why we have an exemption that you can bring 1 liter of an alcoholic drink if *a)* it is special to your area of residence (or of something you visited during a holiday) **and** *b)* you share it with other attendees.
If you can buy it either online or at a large chain store (for example gall&gall (the Netherlands) or trinkgut (Deutschland)) it is not considered special and we ask you to not bring it.
When in doubt: Ask via a ticket.
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Once the process in the new window has been completed, you can continue here.
If this takes longer than a few minutes, please contact us.